Privacy Policy


Datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal vor fi utilizate de catre VANZATOR numai in scopul declarat al acestui site. Informatiile primite prin intermediul comenzii vor fi utilizate pentru a va trimite confirmarea si procesarea comenzii (acces la comanda dvs., confirmare, facturare, livrare), orice promotii regulate si buletine informative la care ati fost de acord sa va abonati. Vanzatorul se angajeaza sa nu divulge si sa nu vanda bazele de date care contin informatii despre datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, cu exceptia solicitarilor organelor de control competente.

Date vanzator: SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Sector 1, Str. Argentina, Nr. 33, inregistrata in Registrul Comertului la. J40/12921/2018, CIF 39852377.

SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL colecteaza urmatoarele date cu caracter personal de la clientii sai in scopurile specificate:

1) Date necesare facturarii/livrarii, furnizate voluntar: numele, prenumele, adresa de facturare/livrare, numarul de telefon. Aceste date sunt partajate cu firme de curierat: pentru ex Fan Courier, Posta Romana etc.

2) Adresa de e-mail necesara pentru ca clientii sa acceseze contul propriu creat pe site si sa modifice datele de facturare/livrare;

3) Adresa de e-mail, numele si prenumele, in scop de marketing, respectiv pentru ofertele de e-mail si newsletterele pentru vizitatorii care s-au abonat la newsletter. Aceste date sunt partajate cu site-uri terte care sunt in conformitate cu Directiva 95/46/CE, dar si cu agentia de marketing care gestioneaza campaniile pentru site-ul;

4) Toate datele cu caracter personal incluse in e-mailul de confirmare/formularul de garantie/formularul de returnare (adresa de e-mail, numele, prenumele, adresa de facturare/adresa de livrare) sunt pastrate in scopul comunicarii cu clientul pentru a rezolva anumite situatii de returnare, garantii etc.

5) In cazul in care clientul alege plata online a comenzii/contractului, aceasta se realizeaza prin solutia integrata, de exemplu: Gecad Epayment SRL (PayU).

Sunt acceptate toate tipurile de carduri emise de bancile romanesti si straine in cadrul Visa si MasterCard, atata timp cat bancile emitente le-au activat pentru plata online.

SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL nu solicita si nu stocheaza in niciun fel informatii despre cardul bancar al clientului, fiind procesate direct pe serverele prestatorului de servicii de plata online.

Exceptia de la aceasta prevedere este atunci cand ne furnizati detaliile contului dumneavoastra bancar pentru o rambursare in cazul returnarii unui produs, caz in care vom colecta si prelucra aceste date.

6) Cookie-uri, partajate cu: ex Google Analytics, Google AdWords si Facebook Ads. Va rugam sa cititi POLITICA PRIVIND COOKIE-URILE.

Pentru anumite scopuri mentionate mai sus, clientul trebuie sa consimta in mod explicit la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, in caz contrar scopul nu poate fi atins. In conformitate cu legea 190/ 2018 si cu Directiva privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal 95/46/CE, clientii SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL beneficiaza de dreptul de acces, de interferenta datelor, de dreptul de a nu fi supusi unei decizii individuale automate, de dreptul la portabilitatea datelor si de dreptul de a se adresa instantei de judecata.

In acelasi timp, dreptul de a se opune prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal care il privesc si de a solicita stergerea acestora (dreptul de a fi uitat).  Pentru exercitarea acestor drepturi, clientii pot adresa o cerere scrisa, datata si semnata la sediul firmei sau prin e-mail, la adresa  SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL va comunica masurile adoptate sau informatiile solicitate, cu respectarea termenelor prevazute de legislatia in vigoare. In plus, dreptul clientilor de a se adresa justitiei este recunoscut. Daca unele dintre datele clientilor sunt inexacte, va rugam sa ne anuntati cat mai curand posibil prin e-mail la


Masuri de securitate pentru protectia datelor cu caracter personal 

1) Existenta unei clauze de confidentialitate in contractul angajatilor imputerniciti sa prelucreze date cu caracter personal.

2) Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal se realizeaza prin resurse automate, in conformitate cu cerintele legale si asigurand securitatea, confidentialitatea si respectarea drepturilor persoanelor vizate.

3) Certificat de securitate instalat pe serverul pe care sunt colectate datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal.

4) Partajarea politicii de confidentialitate pe site-ul companiei noastre

5) Accesul la baza de date pe care sunt stocate datele cu caracter personal se face numai de catre angajatii societatii SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL prin introducerea unui nume de utilizator si a unei parole de identificare (parolele nu se afiseaza clar in monitor).

6) Conturile angajatilor care nu mai fac parte din companie trebuie sterse.

7) Orice acces la baza de date este inregistrat intr-un fisier de acces.

8) Datele cu caracter personal nu sunt stocate mai mult decat este necesar pentru atingerea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate. 




Your personal data will be used by the SELLER only with the stated purpose of this site. The information received through the order will be used to send you the confirmation and the order processing (access to your order, confirmation, invoicing, delivery), any regular promotions and newsletters that you have agreed to subscribe to. The seller undertakes not to disclose and sell the databases containing information about your personal data, except the  requests of the competent control bodies.

SELLER data: SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL, located in Bucuresti, Sector 1, Str. Argentina, Nr. 33, registered in register of Commerce at. J40/12921/2018, CIF 39852377.

SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL collects the following personal data from its customers for the specified purposes:

1) Data required for billing/delivery, voluntarily provided: the name, the surname, billing/delivery address, telephone number. These data are shared with courier companies: for ex Fan Courier, Romanian Post, etc.

2) The e-mail address required in order for the customers to access their own account created on the site and to modify billing/delivery data;

3) The e-mail address, the name and surname, for marketing purposes, respectively for e-mailing offers and newsletters for visitors that subscribed to the newsletter. This data is shared with third-party sites that are in compliance with Directive 95/46/EC, but also with the marketing agency that manages the campaigns for the site;

4) All personal data included in the  confirmation email/guarantee form/return form (e-mail address, name, surname, billing address/delivery address) are kept for the purpose of communicating with the customer to resolve certain return situations, warranties, etc.

5) In the case when the customer chooses the online payment of the order/contract, it is achieved through the integrated solution, for example: Gecad Epayment SRL (PayU).

All types of cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks under Visa and MasterCard are accepted, as long as that the issuing banks have activated them for online payment.

SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL does not request or store in any way information about the client’s bank card, being processed directly on the servers of the online payment service provider.

The exception to this provision is when you provide us with the details of your bank account for a refund in case of return of a product, in which case we will collect and process this data.

6) Cookies, shared with: ex Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and Facebook Ads. Please read the COOKIES POLICY.

For some purposes stated above, the client must explicitly consent to the processing of personal data, otherwise the purpose cannot be achieved. According to the law 190/ 2018 and the Directive on the protection of personal data 95/46 / EC, the customers of SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL  benefit from the right to access, data interference, the right not to be subject to an individual automatic decision, the right to portability of data and the right to appeal to the court of law.

At the same time, the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning him / her and to request their deletion (the right to be forgotten).  For the exercise of these rights, customers may address a written request, dated and signed at the company’s premises of business or by e-mail, at the address SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL will communicate the adopted measures or the information requested, in compliance with the deadlines provided by the legislation in force. Additionally, the clients’ right to address to justice is recognized. If some of the customer data is inaccurate, please let us know as soon as possible by email at


Security measures for the protection of personal data

1) The existence of a confidentiality clause in the contract of employees empowered to process personal data.

2) The processing of personal data is accomplished by automatic resources, in compliance with the legal requirements and ensuring the security, confidentiality and respect of the rights of the data subjects.

3) Security certificate installed on the server on which your personal data is collected.

4) Sharing the privacy policy on our company website

5) Access to the database on which personal data is stored is only made by company employees SC MIDO MAISON PRIVEE SRL by entering an username and an identification password (passwords do not display clearly in the monitor).

6) Employee accounts that are no longer part of the company are to be deleted.

7) Any access to the database is recorded on an access file.

8) Personal data are not stored more than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.